Three Epic Organ Escapades
These organ covers of “How Far I’ll Go,” “Welcome to Jurassic Park,” and “Garden of Magic” reveal the organ’s range, from serene to epic to spooky. Each piece was chosen to reimagine beloved film music and to introduce the organ to new audiences in fresh, engaging ways.
New Music Coming Soon — 8/30/2024 Released 2024
Jasberger Music

Album tracks

  • 1
    Welcome to Jurassic Park (Organ Solo) (clip)
    Jacob Hershberger
  • 2
    How Far I'll Go (From "Moana") [Organ Solo] (clip)
    Jacob Hershberger
  • 3
    Come Little Children (aka "Sara's Song" from "Hocus Pocus") [Organ Solo] (clip)
    Jacob Hershberger
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